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NOTE: Because the HTML Guide is not working
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You will find info on the theme of the contest below
plus details on how to enter, prizes, rules etc.
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contest post has been posted here on my blog.
You will find info on the theme of the contest below
plus details on how to enter, prizes, rules etc.
Then return to the FF group's contest thread
“I advocate glamour. Every day. Every minute”
Dita Von Teese
Dita Von Teese
The ultimate kinky showgirl ... what will our submissive contestants from Ms160's Forced Feminization group make of this theme?
The judges adore it. Like Dita Von Teese, the judges of this latest contest extravaganza - Mistress160, Miss Bonnie and Mistress Amor - love the glamor of burlesque, of the striptease: "There’s sparkle", mused Miss Bonnie from our sponsor CollarNCuffs, when the judges discussed the proposed theme of this contest:
There’s glitter ...wicked idea ... ‘Burlesque‘ I love it, so sexy and ultra Femme ... I think burlesque, my mind drifts immediately conjuring up the sirens of the past like the Ziegfeld follies and Gypsy Rose Lee, my childhood idols ... Gypsy was best known for her ‘intelligent sexy alluring strip tease’ style of performance ... [she] was the legendary woman who told the police during a raid at the famous Minsky's burlesque house, "I wasn't naked. I was completely covered by a blue spotlight"Mistress Amor agreed:
"what a wonderful idea Mistress 160 I don't think you could have found a more ultra Femme and sexy contest idea ''
"I am dying to see pasties, feathers, pretty clothes, jewels (plastic ones will do) … and for those of you who dare, and we know that you all are shameless, this is what Dita Von Teese says on wearing lingerie: “It puts the tease in strip tease”Are there, boys? But as Mistress Amor observed:
"Do I need to say more? Any glamorous strippers out there?"
"But burlesque is not only about glamour and strip tease it is also about drama, comedy … acting. Whatever pose you choose for your pictures bring your character alive. The judges want to be entertained! Give us a great burlesque show"And that's what this contest is all about ... "give us a show boys", demands Mistress160:
"this will be a cross dresser's dream of an event ... entertain us ...entrance us ... dance for us ... dress for us ... undress for us ... make us desire you ... make us laugh with you ... show us your hidden talents ... your pretty can-can stockings, with pasties over your nipples .... show us your desires to be the ultimate showgirl ... and add your own kink or fetish (high heels, perhaps, lol) into it somewhere if you like!"
So what exactly is a showgirl?"A dancer or performer in a stage entertainment show", says Wiki. Which is a totally useless description if ever I heard one. Thank God we have all seen photos of the amazing dancers at venues like Folies Bergère and Moulin Rouge in Paris, the latter famous for it's Can Can, captured here by artist Toulouse Lautrec:
These venues pioneered semi-nude dancing - at the Moulin Rouge in 1907 an actress called Germaine Aymos entered dressed only in three very small shells - and tableaux vivants. These days we are used to more production line shows. In Las Vegas there are so many these days (such as Jubilee! ) but who could forget the showgirls of The Fabulous Palm Springs Follies in Palm Springs who's chorus line is of showgirls well over their fiftieth year:

If they can still look amazing, just imagine how the contestants of this contest will look!
We could have called this the Ultimate Ecdysiast Contest. "Ecdysiast" is the dictionary term for a "striptease artist", a performer who provides erotic entertainment by undressing to music. But it just didn't have the right ring as a title, LOL. Traditionally, the "striptease artists" of burlesque created elaborate themes and costumes to add fantasy to their shows and find new ways to undress to music.

Today this survives as "new burlesque", says Wiki:
"a revival and updating of the traditional burlesque performance. Though based on the traditional Burlesque art, the new form encompasses a wider range of performance styles; Neo-burlesque acts can be anything from classic striptease to modern dance to theatrical mini-dramas to comedic mayhem"What's important perhaps for our contestants to remember - or not, lol - is that this contemporary form is focused more on the "tease" in "striptease" than the "strip". This is a famous quote mentioned by Mistress Amor by the queen of modern burlesque, Dita Von Teese, who's style as Miss Bonnie says, "has put a modern edge to classic burlesque".
Wiki writes:
"Von Teese is well known for her fascination with 1940s cinema and classic retro style. This began at a young age and was fostered by her mother ... a fan of old, Golden-era Hollywood films... [she] began her career in a local strip club when she was eighteen. Disappointed with the lack of originality in all the other strippers' acts ... she began glamour modeling before she eventually became a fetish model. Her retro pin-up look, frequently emulating Bettie Page in photo shoots, set her apart from most other fetish models.Dita is not just a showgirl, many of her projects have a kinky, fetish edge, which of course relates to the theme of our contest:"Von Teese ... is frequently dubbed "the Queen of Burlesque" in the press ... In her own words, she "puts the tease back into striptease" with long, elaborate dance shows with props and characters, often inspired by 1930s and 1940s musicals and films.
"Some of her more famous dances have involved a carousel horse, a giant powder compact, a filigree heart and a clawfoot bathtub with a working shower head. Her feather fan dance, inspired by burlesque dancer Sally Rand, featured the world's largest feather fans, now on display in Hollywood's Museum Of Sex. Her signature show features a giant martini glass.
"Von Teese achieved some level of recognition in the fetish world as a tightlacer ... [she] appeared on a number of fetish magazine covers, including Bizarre and Marquis [and] appeared, bound and partially suspended, on the cover of Midori's book, The Seductive Art of Japanese Bondage...You can see why Dita makes such a perfect example of a kinky showgirl. We are sure she will equally inspire you! And because Dita loves corsets so much - indeed, is a serious tightlacer - our sponsor CollarNCuffs has kindly donated a corset as a prize for the ultimate winner:

Now that is a prize worth pursuing...
So how do our contestants become kinky showgirls? There's a wealth of ideas in the information above. And many other sites will provide inspiration. You will find more about Dita and photographs of her fabulous style on her official website here. It's a pay site, but there are plenty of free pages you can explore. You can also watch Dita on YouTube here and here. And, because I cannot resist - and because this is why they call it the art of the striptease, guys, lol:
You can find lots of wonderful sites featuring showgirl costumes, like this one. And of course plenty of places online sell them. However we hope our contestants will only look at those sites for ideas and assemble at least part of their final costume themselves. Because you don't need to spend much money to create something pretty amazing from your local crafts store. And there are plenty of places online with idea to help (how to create a showgirl costume / how to make a big showgirl headdress / etc). After all, a stunning showgirl may only wear her panties and pasties ... it's all in the presentation, how you make the judges believe that YOU are the Ultimate Kinky Showgirl!
Want to take part? Here's the info you need:

- You must be a member of MyDungeonSpace's Forced Feminization group (it's free to join - click on MDS to join, then click here for the Forced Fem group ). The contest thread is here
- Contest is open to all genders
- Subs of judges may enter
- Each member may submit up to three photos of themselves wearing an "Ultimate Kinky Showgirl" themed outfit / pose (your Mistress does not need to be visible)
- Photos are to be uploaded in the Forced Fem group's gallery by 30 November 2008
- three absolutely stunning Mistresses who can striptease with the best of them, lol: Mistress160 and Miss Bonnie, and please welcome as a judge for the first time: Mistress Amor!

- Well lit, in focus photos. Your face does not have to appear
- You may submit three photos of the same outfit (perhaps: front, back and a detail) or you can wear a different outfit in each pic. Please make sure the outfit can clearly be seen in your photos
- For the first time we may accept short videos. Discuss issues of format / length / place to submit them etc with Mistress160 prior to submission
- There are several parts to this competition:
- all contestants must select a special stage name to reflect their ‘burlesque / showgirl personality’ for the contest. Don't create a new ID at MDS. Just include the name in your post on the contest thread to confirm you have submitted your photos, and explain why you have chosen that name.
- contestants' outfits must reflect the theme ""Ultimate Kinky Showgirl"" and /or
- must include actions or a pose (or series of poses) that expand on that theme
- Contestants who address both parts 2 and 3 in their photos will score higher. For example, a photo showing the contestant standing in a showgirl costume addresses the first part; a photo of the contestant in a showgirl outfit dancing for his Mistress, or posing provocatively with his eyes on the judges (ie, facing the camera) addresses both.
- Judges may also award prizes for various categories, such as:
- Best Burlesque / Showgirl Stage Name
- Best Headdress
- Sexiest Diva
- Best Acting
- Sluttiest Showgirl
- Best Pasties
- Best Striptease
- Best Makeup
- Kinkiest Showgirl
- Best Ass (previous holders of this title will have to submit for further judgement :))
- Additional marks will be given for extra effort for personal presentation (such as perfectly painted nails, professionally arranged hair or make up, etc) or thoughtful additions (for example, if the contestant would like the judges to listen to a specific piece of music while judging their entries). Please bring these details to the attention of judges via the message you post on the contest thread to confirm you have uploaded photos
- Judges will award higher marks for any contestant who uses Dita Von Teese as their inspiration source
Winner will be presented with "Ultimate Kinky Showgirl Contest" Photo Award and have this title added to your winning photo in the Forced Fem group gallery. Highly commended prizes will also be awarded.
- CollarNCuffs will also present the winner with a corset of the style shown, in the size of their choice. Many thanks to Miss Bonnie and CollarNCuffs (for all your Femdom needs, resources and chatrooms)
- All prize winning photos will also be published in a post about the contest on Mistress160's personal blog, and on the blogs of other judges
- Open to members of the Forced Fem group only. Please join if you wish to enter
- If you have a Mistress / Owner please make sure you obtain their permission
- Mistresses / Owners: you are of course most welcome to assist your sub behind the scenes and post messages on the contest thread (which we definitely encourage!) but please remember your sub MUST register and post photos / messages themselves
- Contestants without owners: if you have anyone (such as another member of MDS) giving you a hand, please acknowledge this so that other contestants know not to take advice from the same person
- Please lodge a post at the time you upload your entry photos in the Forced Gem Gallery (providing the judges with information about why / how you selected your stage name and outfit, the photo shoot, and any other details you would like to include, will result in a higher mark)
- Each photo you submit must be clearly titled "Contest4" then give the name of the member and the number of the photo if you enter more than one image (ie: "Contest4_solipsist_pic2")
- Photos should be specifically photographed for the contest and not previously be seen in the gallery (you can wear an outfit we have seen before but the photo must be new)
Contestants, register here (or join MyDungeonSpace first).
Good Luck from Ms160 and the Judges!

"the whole competition was a blast!..
"i really encourage anybody who is even a little bit curious to enter the next one. they're very fun, very low pressure, and a great way to be part of the community and meet new people. thanks again to Mistress 160, the mastermind of the whole operation"
(veritas - Winner of Best Ass in Babydoll Contest)"what a fun time to be expressive and creative and have fun at the same time. I certainly would like to encourage all the tarty sluts out there to participate in the next one ... Good luck to everyone and come on and have some fun!"(mont202 - Winner of Princess Contest)
"you could feel the joy emanating from the other contestants as they described their shopping / picture taking experiences. Very positive feelings ...
"i felt all kinds of emotions during this contest and i embraced them and watched others go through similar feelings on the topic. No answers, no coming down on one side or the other ... It was bizarre and different and provocative. A rich experience. i couldn't ask for more".(Destiny's chance - winner of Special Artistic Award)
Ms160 writes:
We'd love you to join this contest. Truly.
As you can see from what other contestants have written above, everyone has a really great time. There are no "losers" in my contests. You get to meet - and interact with - some great people, including the Domme Judges and other members of MDS' Forced Fem group. You also get to challenge yourself a little - purchasing your outfit, taking the photos, posting them etc...You don't need to have an owner or a Mistress, its possible to take your pix yourself and if you are stuck for ideas you can discuss what you want to wear / how you plan to look in your photos with other members.
Past contests include the Princess Contest (won by mont202 as Xena, on the left) and Best Babydoll Outfit (won by quall from Turkey). The current contest, featuring a burlesque / striptease theme, promises to be especially fun.
Any questions?
You can contact me via the cbox on this page or via my profile at MyDungeonSpace. Or drop any of the boys who entered previous contests a line. You can also read about contestant Destiny's chance's experiences in the following links:
- chance's thoughts about wanting to enter a contest by Ms160
- on actually entering a contest and on
- forced fem

of mont202: jade tiger
Princess contest montage: Miss Bonnie
Ultimate Kinky Showgirl contest montage: Miss Bonnie
Silver Slipper Photo from VegasRetro
Dita Von Teese in Martini Glass - Daily Mail UK
Many thanks:
to CollarNCuffs for the prize
to Miss Bonnie of CNC for the contest banner
and to the always amazing Dita, who we hope will
forgive our associating her with this noble cause!
to CollarNCuffs for the prize
to Miss Bonnie of CNC for the contest banner
and to the always amazing Dita, who we hope will
forgive our associating her with this noble cause!
1 comment:
Nice information. I really liked it.
You know I've used this site at http://www.DreamDollLingerie.com for sexy lingerie, lingerie, corsets, bustier, costumes, sexy costumes, fantasy lingerie, plus size lingerie and hot lingerie.
I thought they had some nice things.
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