could you please do so on the orginal post so all comments can be kept together.
Many thanks to Ms160 for another fantastic contest
Tuesday, December 16, 2008

"Honestly ...
the things you guys do for a corset ..."
the things you guys do for a corset ..."
The Ultimate Kinky Showgirl Contest judging is over and it's time to start the awards. But first a few words from our judging panel:
We welcomed MistressAmor to our judging panel this contest ... and Ms160would like to thank both MistressAmor and the always amazing Miss Bonnie for their time and judging efforts. Thanks too to Miss Bonnie and for their sponsorship of the contest, donating a wonderful corset to the winner.
We ended up with three contestants, two owned by judges and one without an owner, entering Ms160's contests for the first time. We salute the courage of all subs who do this. Alas no one tried to bribe the judges this contest. Hopefully next time....
"As always the standard was extremely high" writes Ms160, "And - as always - these pixs were very interesting to judge because they were so DIFFERENT. I almost wish we had made videos compulsory because I would love to have seen everyone perform :). From the totally over the top style of burlesque to the exquisitely elegant, the contest had a entry for everyone. Most of all we judges wanted to be entertained. And boy, were we ever!"
"We wanted a great show and we haven’t been disappointed", MistressAmor concluded her final judging notes: "I would like to thank Mistress160 for inviting me to be a judge. It’s been great to be part of it and it was real fun ... you guys were all fantastic. You’ve been creative and fun ... you have definitely exceeded our expectations. So sorry Ditta but you are so last year..."
"I had great time judging ... I always do!", wrote Miss Bonnie: "I wish I could have donated more prizes on behalf on CollarNcuffs, as all entrants deserved to win first place. The images produced were of a very high caliber. Thank you for the entertainment and the smiles. I look forward to judging and sponsoring many more"
As for a winner, it was a very hard choice! "I can’t choose just one entrant or one image", said a frustrated Miss Bonnie during the judging process, "I personally think we need to fly them all to Las Vegas (judges included of course) and have them all perform live on stage …lights … camera ... cue music ... dance… nope no winner they have to do it all again *wink*... from the top boys...".
We hope contestants will keep in mind what Ms160 wrote during the Serving Mistress Contest: "For us the challenge is to create awards that reflect the interests and personalities of the contestants. And this is a real joy to do. Contestants put so much thought into their photos, it's an honor to have the opportunity to put equal thought into the awards we present. While we may or may not select a "winner" quite honestly every award we create is equal, and we hope they provide enjoyment to the receiver"
Contestants ... all together now ... take a well deserved curtsy ...
"I had to lean in really close to read the writing ...
I swear he did that on purpose to see how many
monitors he could cause to fog up"
(Miss Bonnie)
The Best Ass prize in Ms160's contests are a judging favorite, and this contest was no exception. We only had one and a half asses on display, lol: solipsist's Photo 3 and the rather nice side view of Quietlisten's bottom on Photos 1 and 2. "It's a tantalizing glimpse ... but alas nothing more", commented Ms160 sadly. "I agree that quietlisten shows quite a curve!", agreed MistressAmor, "But sol’s the only one who has dared to show it properly..."I swear he did that on purpose to see how many
monitors he could cause to fog up"
(Miss Bonnie)
Solipsist's photos were greatly enjoyed by the Judges. "I love sol’s picture 1" observes MistressAmor, "that pose is terrific, kind of shy but cheeky at the same time. That picture tells me he will be giving a great show … and he does! [In Photo 2] he cheekily sits and removes his cincher while looking at the camera like wanting to say: the best is still to come… And it does when in picture 3 we get see him wiggling his ass!"
"I absolutely adored (in Photo 3) the flirty ass wiggle towards the end, with the fishnet stockings around his ankles, and the "I love you" written on the back of the knickers! What a tart!" wrote Ms160. "I wanted to slap that sweet little butt of yours, I have a thing for cheeky boys (no pun intended)", said Miss Bonnie: " I had to lean in really close to read the writing…I swear he did that on purpose to see how many monitors he could cause to fog up LOL".
The Judges are Very Pleased to award solipsist Best Ass in the Ultimate Kinky Showgirl Contest :)
When acknowledging his prize sol wrote:
"Thanks to all the Judges - it was fun :) I'm glad you all enjoyed the pics"
"For this contest Quietlisten did more than
be quiet and listen, he roared from
behind those feathers ‘come take me’"
(Miss Bonnie)
This was a unanimous decision, with Quietlisten's combination of imagery and words bringing Mystere alive for the judges. "I thought the name Mystere very fitting as he did create ‘mystery‘ with his images" said Miss Bonnie. MistressAmor agreed: "The name he has chosen, Mystere, is totally appropriate because he has created that sense of mystery and anticipation not only with his pose and outfit but also with his words: “Mystere is about to go on stage for another performance. I can’t reveal where it takes place”. He continues: “I won’t even tell you what Mystere does with those shoes, either. You will have to get tickets to find out.” The thing is … I really want to know! I would certainly kill for one of those tickets!".be quiet and listen, he roared from
behind those feathers ‘come take me’"
(Miss Bonnie)
All judges were in agreement regarding the high quality of Mystere's clothing and presentation. While we enjoyed sol and poppet's "cheekier and sluttier" (MistressAmor) looks, we also admired Mystere's "cool style" (Ms160) and "classy sophistication" (MistressAmor). "Quietlisten [possesses more] style and grace that most of the female gender ... he personified elegance" concluded Miss Bonnie.
The judges also admired the fact that Quietlisten took these photos himself. Each photo was technically excellent as well as stylishly posed. "He really works that corner, and the camera" noted Ms160, "each pose is different and very nicely done". "For timer activated [pix] they are amazing, great lighting and shadows, good prop use", agrees Miss Bonnie.
Then there was Mystere's outfit. "Oh fantastically well done ... I love the use of black and white, and of the black sequined pasties and panties. Very very stylish! Mystere can perform for me any day :)", writes Ms160. MistressAmor agrees: "I was very impressed ... I love the contrast between the black outfit – mysterious, sexy, elegant - with the ‘virginal’ white feathers". "Once again well done Mystere on your elegant, sensual, sassy pictures that could rival the great dita von Teese", concluded Miss Bonnie, "For this contest Quietlisten did more than be quiet and listen, he roared from behind those feathers ‘come take me’".
The Judges are Truly Delighted to award Mystere The Most Elegant Showgirl Award.
Accepting his awards for the contest, Quietlisten wrote:
"Thanks to the wonderful ladies for this really fun contest! Congratulations to Poppet and Sol for fantastic entries. Is it considered "topping from the bottom" if you intentionally make the job of choosing difficult on the lady judges?
"I have the sneaking suspicion that this is not the end of the evil contest ideas.
Taps "refresh" repeatedly, waiting for a new contest :)"

Kinky Bella / poppet (all three photos)
"he hasn’t called himself Kinky Bella just
because he was out of choice …
and he has acted accordingly …"

Kinky Bella / poppet (all three photos)
"he hasn’t called himself Kinky Bella just
because he was out of choice …
and he has acted accordingly …"
This award was easy. The judging went like this:
Miss Bonnie: "HAS to be poppet! Hands down!"
Ms 160: "HAS to be poppet!"
MistressAmor: "I have to agree it has to be poppet!"
The Judges greatly enjoy awarding Kinky Bella with The Sluttiest Showgirl Award!
Miss Scarlet / solipsist - Photo 2
"Well Miss Scarlet I do declare! You're in high
fire danger area I hope your Mistress has the fire
extinguisher handy *fans herself*"
(Miss Bonnie)

Miss Scarlet / solipsist - Photo 2
"Well Miss Scarlet I do declare! You're in high
fire danger area I hope your Mistress has the fire
extinguisher handy *fans herself*"
(Miss Bonnie)
Again this was a difficult choice for the judges, comparing poppet's wantonness with quietlisten's sultry teasing and sol's cheeky sexiness...
We came down in favor of sol's Photo 2. "His whole performance was very sexy and this shows, especially in Photo 2, where he maintains eye contact ... such a tart!", laughs Ms160. "[sol's pictures] tell me he will be giving a great show … and he does! [In Photo 2] he cheekily sits and removes his cincher while looking at the camera like wanting to say: the best is still to com", observes MistressAmor, while Miss Bonnie sums up: " the look in the eyes is hot! The attention to his Mistress never wavering!".
The Judges happily present solipsist with The Sexiest Look Award!

Mystere / Quietlisten (all three photos)
"sooooo sexy! "
(Miss Bonnie)
"Amazing pictures Mystere!
You've made my breakfast! "

Mystere / Quietlisten (all three photos)
"sooooo sexy! "
(Miss Bonnie)
"Amazing pictures Mystere!
You've made my breakfast! "
"So let me get this straight", Quietlisten wrote to the judges in the leadup to the competition:
"You think that a group of well-adjusted guys is going to voluntarily subsume their manhood by shaving all over, dressing in sexually-charged little nothings festooned with ostrich feathers, and flounce around shamelessly to be oogled and judged by a group of women like so many objectified sexual favors?"Oh yes, we replied! ("I can't wait" responded Miss Bonnie). And that's exactly what Quietlisten did: Mystere appeared shaved, sleek and gleaming, in black sequined "little nothings festooned with ostrich feathers". And boy, did the judges enjoy shamelessly oogling her :). The "end result was splendiferous objectification", sighed Ms160.
Sol and poppet's sultry, cheeky, sexy eye contact in their photos certainly "did things" (Ms160) to the judging panel. But Mystere was the definitive award winner here. Ms160 pointed out how "Mystere peaks out from behind her fan" ... "the gleam in his eyes is so sexy and wanton! The way he holds the fan ... just enough to tease and make you want more", agreed Miss Bonnie.
"He maintains that sexy show girl allure "you can look, but don't touch'", Miss Bonnie continued at a later stage of the judging, before noting that at the launch of the contest:
"I commented ... that I had a weakness for the ‘screen goddess of the 1940s with there sexy glamorous styling, with nothing more than a few pieces Quietlisten (Mystere) managed to recreate a look which stirs some wonderful feelings within me *evil grins*. [to paraphrase Dita Von Teese] Mystere put the tease into strip tease in this contest!"The Judges are Really Really Pleased to Award Biggest Tease of the Contest to Quietlisten :)
Kinky Bella / poppet - Photo 1
"poppet is a total performance trollop.
His Photo 1 is flawless"

"poppet is a total performance trollop.
His Photo 1 is flawless"
"MistressAmor and poppet's creativity and imagination never fail to impress me. Their joint collaborations are a joy to anticipate and a delight to behold", writes Ms160, "and this contest has proved another triumph ... Photo 1 is flawless, it wins all around!"
"Poppet lives and breathes the role of kinky Bella the show girl", says Miss Bonnie "where to start?! The outfit ... (MissB secretly wonders did poppet try twirling the TASSELS on his pasties ... you can’t be a ‘sexy’ burlesque star without tassels *huge grin!) ... the accessories ... the makeup/hair (is there any thing he forgot! He even had on matching nail polish in red!) the set, all splendidly spectacular ... I loved the attention to detail, nothing left to chance, he has covered all aspects that we could of possibly expect in a ‘show girl’ ... from the tip of his red shiny shoes to his elaborate head piece, pearls and make up. Such a tasty tart"
"Oh look at his expression!", continues Ms160 "look at that pose ... such an exquisite outfit this time, and poppet strips out of it with such flare! [He's] a total performance trollop! And so exquisitely photographed!". "The photography was great, kudos to Mistress Amor", notes Miss Bonnie. To which MistressAmor replies: "I didn’t allow poppet to buy anything for the contest apart from the cheap plastic pearls and fan so he mixed and matched what was available".
Poppet also scored extra marks for linking his performance to a musical number, which itself had a kinky edge to it. As his Owner noted:
"I think he did very well at adapting it a specific period of time and music ... what I like best in his pictures is the mixture of classic and kinky not only in the oufit but also the stage … a bed! A little kinky thing inviting sinners to sing from a bed? How could I resist him?"Indeed, who could? Not us! The judges - including his very proud owner - are Honored to award Kinky Bella and poppet Winners of The Ultimate Kinky Showgirl Contest :)
Accepting his prize poppet wrote:
"What can i say? i am deeply honoured and delighted to have been awarded the Ultimate Kinky Showgirl prize but if truth be told i think that both Sol and Quietlisten produced outstanding routines with fabulous outfits and i would like to congratulate them for their wonderful pictures and awards. We are all winners and all had great fun entering and i would like to encourage anyone else reading this to enter next time...assuming of course there will be future contests? (gets down and begs!!)However MistressAmor had a final surprise for poppet:
"i also have a suggestion, how about a femme a trois? with the three kinky showgirls putting on a show together...oh i can see it now, the glamour, the tassels...what fun we could have! The three kinketeers!
"Finally, i would like to thank my wonderful Owner Mistress Amor for permitting me to enter the competition and for Her assistance with my make-up and hair and taking the photos. Darling, you make a wonderful assistant! - Uh, oh now i'm in trouble!!!"
"Thanks Mistress160 and MisssBonnie, you were both fantastic and enjoyed judging with you. QuietListen, sol, poppet ... you cerntainly entertained us! You 3 are wonderful.We will indeed, and I'll bring you further updates on those special photos!
"To the little rascal who is getting a corset: Congratulations, what a nice corset you are getting …I am not jealous at all of course, you have it and enjoy it. However, I think, that since you have been so lucky you should show your gratitude to the judges, those out-of-this world women which have been so kind to you.
"I have decided that once you receive your prize you will have to do the following:
- Upload 3 sexy pictures of yourself wearing the corset (I volunteer to be the photographer, my kindness is unlimited)
- The photos must be taken in 3 sexy London landmarks
- Each photo must be dedicated to one of the judges
"I think it’s only fair, 3 sexy judges deserve 3 sexy pictures in 3 sexy locations. And, you know, winners need a lesson in humility...Mistress160/Bonnie, watch this space!"
Thank you again to all our contestants and Judging panel, and to CollarNcuffs for the corset that is now going to cause poppet such fun!

Contest banner:
Miss Bonnie
Cross posted from Mistress160's AbodeMistressAmor
Contest banner:
Miss Bonnie
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