WHOOO HOOO I get to perve on all the pretty boys again.
We had so much fun with our Babydoll Outfit contest ("the most unusual competition we’ve come across so far in the adult blogging world" according to adultbloghub 7.05.07) that Mistress160 promised to hold another photo contest soon...
Here it is:
(Worn By a Member of my Forced Feminization Group)
"it's time to make all your princess fantasies a reality!"
You need to be a member of MyDungeonSpace's Forced Feminization group (it's free to join - details below)
You may submit up to three photos of yourself wearing a "princess" style outfit
Photos are to be uploaded in the group's gallery by 1 July 2007
Mistress160 MissBonnie Alice and Destiny
Well lit, in focus photos
You may submit three photos of the same outfit (perhaps: front, back and a detail) or you can wear a different outfit in each pic
Please make sure the outfit can clearly be seen in your photos - you are being judged both on the outfit and how you look in the outfit
For this competition, interpretation of the term "princess" will be left up to individual contestants
Judges may also award prizes for various categories, such as:
Best Tiara
Best Makeup
Best Lingerie
Most Innovative Interpretation of "Princess"
Sexiest Princess
Most Regal Princess
Sluttiest Princess
Best Fairy Princess
Additional marks will be given for extra effort (such as perfectly painted nails, professionally arranged hair, shaved legs etc). Contestants may need to bring these details to the attention of judges via the message they post on this thread to confirm they have uploaded photos
Three of the Judges have birthdays during the period the contests runs. Additional marks will be awarded for any contestants who honour Ms160, Alice and Destiny with a "birthday" element in their photos
For prizes and competition detail please see Mistress160's Abode
text republished from Ms160's abode with permission.
Ohhh Chance is not going to like the choice od judges, How can he Participate if his Mistress is one of the judges. :)
The last contest WAS a good one. This one sounds even better yet. Ohhh the excitement. Hehehe!
Hi Bonnie. Over the years I have evolved froma typical US male repulsion of sissies to an interest in them to where I now think some sissies and t-Ladies look hot.
It should be interesting seeign the results of the contest. Get some sissies, for all yur hard work at transforming, and letting your inner selves come through! OB
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