The Princess contest was the second in a series of photo contests Mistress160 is currently running for members of my Forced Feminization group at MyDungeonSpace. The first, the Babydoll Contest, AdultBlogHub calls "the most unusual competition we’ve come across in the adult blogging world".
Contests are a great way to encourage shy kinksters into taking a more active role, to challenge those who need a challenge, initiate dialogue, and meet new friends. As Destiny's chance, a regular contestant, once wrote, "you could feel the joy emanating from the other contestants as they described their shopping / picture taking experiences. Very positive feelings .... i felt all kinds of emotions during this contest and i embraced them and watched others go through similar feelings ... It was bizarre and different and provocative. A rich experience. i couldn't ask for more".

After consultation with group members and judges I selected a Princess theme for this latest contest. We had a truly international judging panel this contest (MsAlice from Greece, Destiny from Canada, Alice from New Zealand and myself and MissBonnie from Australia). They all put in tremendous effort. Many many thanks to them all!
As you will see, we ended up with some extraordinary photos to judge.
If there was one phrase repeated time and time again during judging deliberations it was "this is really tough!". As Destiny noted " the biggest problem [was] there were no negatives. These princesses went above and beyond". Miss Bonnie ("All the contestants shone picking just one was a hard task") and MsAlice ("Oh God, hard to decide! All the bitches look great and did a very good job with their transformations ... they all deserve a prize!") agreed.
"These pix are so interesting to judge because they are so DIFFERENT", I observed during deliberations, "Warrior princess vs kitten princess vs Egyptian princess vs an innocent princess blowing bubbles.... as always the talent of these guys amazes me. I also like the way all contestants have utilized the princess theme to express their personal kinks. Mont has chosen a costume that aligns with his enclosure / tight clothing kink, while both chance and solipsist have included imagery that expresses important aspects of their submission".
"Initially I was disappointed that a few of the Mistresses did not want their submissive competing because they felt the princess category was not a good one", noted Destiny, "These entires proved that they made a mistake. There are many princesses and these boys proved that Cinderella is not the only way to go for sure. ...our "princesses" should be very proud of their entries". MsAlice agreed, "although we only have three Princesses I admit they are all beautiful and with great fantasies!".
Our princess has been named for the winners details please read Mistress160 Abode,
Destiny and chances blog post
I'm currently on holidays (another 7 days) with limited internet time and looking forward to catching up on my return, but would like to say this was a wonderful experience for contestants and judges alike.
I'm currently on holidays (another 7 days) with limited internet time and looking forward to catching up on my return, but would like to say this was a wonderful experience for contestants and judges alike.
And most of all Fun (with a capital F)
All of the pics were impressive and creative. I really liked the Xena/warrior princess. Good stuff everyone.
Hi Bonnie, I hope you all are doing well!
PAX and Lovew and Happiness to you Lady!
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