Serving Mistress...What evocative, powerful words ... they bring a shiver of anticipation to every sub.Some of you have been lucky enough, to already find and serve your Mistress, to kneel at her feet, waiting patiently for the chance to serve. Perhaps you have already purchased a service outfit at her instruction, and recall the spine tingling rush of having her measure a maid outfit against your body in a crowded store ... Now is the time to show it to us...You may not yet have had the honor of finding your Mistress ... but you too know the erotic dreams in your heart, and the services you would most like to offer her...The theme of this contest provides the perfect vehicle to explore your dreams of service, to present - perhaps for your future Mistress to find here - photos that reveal how you would most like to serve her...What will she see? A sissy maid in ruffles and curls, massaging her feet? Or a naked boy, creating the perfect meal in her kitchen, naked but for a collar and apron? An elegant French maid serving her dominant friends tea? A latex covered slave serving wine (like mont202 on the left, from an earlier photo contest)?No outfit? Its time to challenge yourself a little ... take yourself to your local adult store, or go online and see what you can find ... what most expresses your personality and desires ... even if you can't buy something pretty there are many items around the home ... all that limits you is your imagination....
You must be a member of MyDungeonSpace's Forced Feminization group (it's free to join - click on MDS to join, then click here for the Forced Fem group )
Contest is open to all genders
Subs of judges may enter
Each member may submit up to three photos of themselves wearing a "Serving Mistress" themed outfit / pose (your Mistress does not need to be visible)
Photos are to be uploaded in the group's gallery by 30 November 2007)
four absolutely stunning Mistresses who are experts at accepting service, lol: Mistress160 and Miss Bonnie, and please welcome as judges for the first time: Mistress Tich and Just Miss!3)
Well lit, in focus photos
You may submit three photos of the same outfit (perhaps: front, back and a detail) or you can wear a different outfit in each pic. Please make sure the outfit can clearly be seen in your photos
There are two parts to this photo competition:
an outfit that portrays the theme "Serving Mistress" and /or
actions or a pose (or series of poses) that expand on that theme.
Contestants who address both parts in their photos will score higher. For example, a photo showing the contestant standing in a maid costume addresses the first part; a photo of the contestant in a maid outfit on his knees serving drinks to his Mistress addresses both.
Judges may also award prizes for various categories, such as:
Best Apron
Best Service
Best French Maid
Most Innovative Interpretation of "Serving Mistress"
Sexiest Maid
Best Sissy Maid
Additional marks will be given for extra effort for personal presentation (such as perfectly painted nails, professionally arranged hair, etc) or perfect examples of service (pouring tea for Mistress, painting Mistress' toes or whatever). Contestants may need to bring these details to the attention of judges via the message they post on this thread to confirm they have uploaded photos
Winner will be presented with "Serving Mistress" Photo Award and have this title added to your winning photo in the Forced Fem group gallery. Highly commended prizes will also be awarded.
All prize winning photos will also be published in a post about the contest on Mistress160's personal blog, and on the blogs of other judges
At the end of 2007 an annual winner will be selected from the winners of contests during the year will be awarded a Special Prize (to be confirmed by the judges, but perhaps something along the line of some lingerie purchased especially for the winner by the judges)This contest will close midnight 30 November 2007, and the winner / other prizes will be announced later that week.
Good Luck from Ms160 and the Judges!
"the whole competition was a blast!.."i really encourage anybody who is even a little bit curious to enter the next one. they're very fun, very low pressure, and a great way to be part of the community and meet new people. thanks again to Mistress 160, the mastermind of the whole operation"
(veritas - Winner of Best Ass in Babydoll Contest)
"what a fun time to be expressive and creative and have fun at the same time. I certainly would like to encourage all the tarty sluts out there to participate in the next one ... Good luck to everyone and come on and have some fun!"(mont202 - Winner of Princess Contest)
"you could feel the joy emanating from the other contestants as they described their shopping / picture taking experiences. Very positive feelings ..."i felt all kinds of emotions during this contest and i embraced them and watched others go through similar feelings on the topic. No answers, no coming down on one side or the other ... It was bizarre and different and provocative. A rich experience. i couldn't ask for more".
(Destiny's chance - winner of Special Artistic Award)We'd love you to join this contest. Truly.As you can see from what other contestants have written above, everyone has a really great time. There are no "losers" in my contests. You get to meet - and interact with - some great people, including the Domme Judges and other members of MDS' Forced Fem group. You also get to challenge yourself a little - purchasing your outfit, taking the photos, posting them etc...You don't need to have an owner or a Mistress, its possible to take your pix yourself and if you are stuck for ideas you can discuss what you want to wear / how you plan to look in your photos with other members.Past contests include the Princess Contest (won by mont202 as Xena, on the left) and Best Babydoll Outfit (won by quall from Turkey). Future ones will include Best Schoolgirl, Best Showgirl and Best Ladies Swimming Outfit. The current contest, featuring a service / maid theme, promises to be especially fun.Any questions?You can contact Mistress160 via the cbox on this page or via her profile at MyDungeonSpace. Or drop any of the boys who entered previous contests a line. You can also read about contestant chance's experiences in the following links:
chance's thoughts about wanting to enter a contest by Ms160
on actually entering a contest and on
forced fem
(Photosof sol and c: Ms160of mont202: jade tigerPrincess contest montage: Miss Bonnie)
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